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In the church, we often teach people how to read the Scriptures, how to pray, how to repent of sin, have faith, do justice, preach the gospel, etc. But we don’t teach people how to navigate emotions well. The Joy and Sorrow series is designed to bring our emotions to God, in the hopes that we would become more like Jesus.


1. The Place of Pressing | Matthew 26:36-46 | September 27, 2020

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Jesus was marked by his emotions. But He knew how to navigate His emotions well by bring them to God in prayer.

2. The Voices Within Us | 1 Kings 19:1-18 | October 4, 2020

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Within the Church we have too few conversations about the struggle with that feeling of emptiness - what the Bible describes as "despair" or clinically we call "depression." For those of you who wrestle with darkness or hopelessness, today we want you to know that you are not alone in this.

3. Break the Power of the Past | October 11, 2020

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Our families can be the largest influence in who we become, setting patterns of behavior. But when we follow Jesus, we enter into His family, and have to learn to live in a new way. Grab your Bible and follow along as we discuss “generational sins” and how to overcome them.

4. Beauty from Ashes, Joy from Sorrow | James 1:1-5 | October 18, 2020

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Seasons like 2020 can leave us feeling physically exhausted, emotionally drained, and spiritually confused. So how do we do more than just SURVIVE these kind of seasons? Can we come out of the other side with a whole new level of maturity and spiritual growth? And is there a way to even travel the road together with JOY?

5. Reminders for the Road Ahead | October 25, 2020

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2 Peter 1:12-15 I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have.  I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me. And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things.

6. Thanksgiving & Anxiety | Daniel 6 | November 15, 2020

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There is a lot of anxiety in our world today. But gratitude can serve as an antidote to anxiety. While Anxiety focuses on what we might not have in the future, gratitude focuses on what we do have in the present. Grab your Bible and read with us as we learn how a spirit of thanksgiving can help us live in the peace of Christ.

7. What to Wear for the Holidays | Colossians 3:1-17 | November 22, 2020

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“You must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.” Colossians 3:8

The Bible speaks about our attitude towards other people like we could simply take them off and put them on like they were clothes. What if we can? Grab your Bible and follow along as we learn about forgiveness and what to wear for the holidays!

8. Grief and Loss | John 11 | March 7, 2021

Nothing reminds us that this world is broken like loss - of a loved one, a friend, a dream. We are all longing for Eden, for restoration. What do we do with our grief? Is there a way we can not just get passed our grief, but work through it and draw closer to God?