Pastor’s Corner

WOW!!! What is going on around here?? I’ll tell you what is happening….GOD IS MOVING in our lives!!! This is a cause for celebration. We had  6 people follow the Lord Jesus in water baptism last week and we have 6 again TODAY (1 in the first service and 5 in the 2nd). LET’S PRAISE THE LORD. Our Life Groups are growing and growing (we would love to start a few new groups, please talk to me if you are interested), the Oso Ladies’ Bible study has filled 6 round tables every Monday evening, men are bonding, our kids & students are growing, and the BEST THING is……DISCIPLESHIP is happening and we are experiencing the Lord’s presence (our vision statement is happening right before our eyes). I am excited about Oso Creek Church & I hope that you are excited about YOUR church as well. 

   Next week is Mother’s Day and we are going to have a very special ‘guest’ speaker: MEGHAN ISAACS!!! That’s right, Meghan is going to speak an incredible word next week in both of our services. She is an accomplished speaker who has spent MUCH time in God’s Word. She has spoken to our past congratulations on Sundays, to students, and to women in retreats & conferences (she just spoke at the women’s event at 2nd Baptist Church yesterday). I’m so excited because this will be the first time she has spoken at Oso on a Sunday morning. You will be blessed. Invite a mom/grandmother/foster/adoptive mom that you know to attend next week.  Take some invite cards and pass them out or place them around town this week.

Let’s keep growing HIS KINGDOM,
Pastor Greg

Creek News

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